Composer, arranger, home-studist
Multi-instrumentalist (piano, various keyboards, guitars, bass, percussions, flutes, ethnic instruments...) equiped with home-studio, also sound engineer having followed formations in Paris, Liverpool and New York, I compose, arrange and record any kind of musical projects (songs, movie musics, sound design...). An excellent work, without any barrier of style : acoustic, electro, rock, jazz, orchestral... You are a singer eager to transform your demo into accomplished song ? You want to launch into the creation of an album? You need a music for your movie, show, play, video game, web site? I realize titles from A to Z: advice, arrangement, recording, mixing... Don't hesitate to contact me ! Price lists on request, depending on the project's size
Below some tracks realized in my home-studio :
Equipment & Backline home-studio
- 11m² room, monitors Truth B2031A, headphone AKG K242
- PC i7 ultra silent, sound card RME Fireface 400 , UAD-2 Solo card
- Preams Focusrite Isa one, Joemeek sixQ, mixing table Tascam M-30, micros AT4040, SM57...
- Instruments : Electric guitars Musicman silhouette floyd, Washburn RR100, acoustic guitar Yamaha APX7, Bass Spector Legend, digital piano Yamaha P-120, synths Korg Trinity, Yamaha MO6, Yamaha VSS-200, acoustic piano Pleyel, accordionDemusa, low & tin whistles, erhu, Balalaïka, Clavi-Harp, various percussions and home-made instruments...
- Ampli Roland Bolt-60 , home-made amps and effects
Regard sur l'Ukraine - B.O.F. (2010)
Hervé Magnin - Silence, on tourne (2009)
THORK - Nula Jedan (2007)
Elcofis - B.O.F. (2005)
THORK - Wê-ila (2004)
Pascal Regnaudin - Femme fée (2001)
THORK - Urdoxa (2000)